Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Even the darkest of clouds has a silver lining

There are times in life where you feel claustrophobic with the routine, the corrupt system...your conscience says - Stop! This is it! You feel lost, deafened by the hullabaloo of life...deprived of one of your important senses. Life appears to be a pandemonium...a large cauldron where the concoction of your very existence is being cooked up. The heat hits perspire in the asphyxiate. There seems no escape from this burning inferno.
BUT in the distance you spot a glint...a ray of hope which urges you further when you are just about to surrender! And lo and behold you realize that the dark cloud that was rising from the cauldron also has an ornamental silver lace...a silver lining...which says - Move on...there is dawn after a long dark night. And you stumble, stagger and rise again like a phoenix and prepare for the majestic flight...and you soar again and awe the world with your flight!!


Unknown said...

wow---thanks dear ,it has certainly motivated me,I now feel different me like been baptised --
yes why give up,we have one life to live--life is meant to be lived .I am inspired and now on i will be more vivid and immediate
thanks and take careee

NeErAj said...

This could actually turn out to be a life saver for somebody attempting am serious.... he he...kiddin babes...
You are a Sweetheart ,otherwise...the old wise aunty.
Watever little i know bot you, makes me say it with conviction that you are out there in this large world for a purpose and u shall achieve it come wat (and however big) may.